Aug 10, 2023Liked by Charles Harris

I really love this "when the job is not the fit you desire and deserve, it’s okay to take a short break along this journey." I was recently in this position and was thankful for an opportunity to find something more suited for my journey. I know it is important to also live these words outside of work in the everyday adventure in life. I never thought of it as "not the fit" but more ebbs and flows of what I am looking for in the moment or what my body is telling me I need. Thank you for sharing your perspective.

I am also sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Lossing someone always seems to bring life into focus, even if it is only for a short time.

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Thanks Nichole for the note. Feels great to be a free agent and open to what happens next. This journey is allowing me that perspective. Excited to see what happens next and open to it all. Glad you found a better opportunity that I hope is a great fit for you.

As for my friend, it just reinforced the thought in my head that we get one shot at this life and we better make all the days count.....

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So sorry to hear about your team mate, Charles. I agree with you 100%. I think grit and determination are good if you feel you're on your own path, not a path os someone else's choosing. And, it's OK to step off any path that no longer feels right. I'm doing the same thing as you right now - stepping out of full-time, paid work, and giving myself space to explore other paths.

Two of my inner voices had a conversation about this exact topic recently https://moodling.substack.com/p/strive-wisely

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Good for you Debs. Love that you have taken control of your path and your needs. I believe giving yourself space to explore is important. I have a business colleague in California that was able to institute a sabbatical not only for himself but his entire staff for those that reach a certain threshold of work service. It is a great example for other businesses to follow. At the very least it empowers employees to pause and refresh. I would hope it also helps avert burnout.

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